MGL Chapter 134/Section 1. Any person who finds lost money or goods of the value of three dollars or more, the owner of which is unknown, shall within two days report the finding thereof to the officer in charge at a police station in the town where said property was found, or, if there is no police station, post notice thereof in two public places therein, or, instead of such report or posting, cause notice thereof to be advertised in a newspaper published therein.

In Massachusetts, property becomes "unclaimed" when the owner can't be contacted for a 3-year period. Businesses must review their records every year for unclaimed properties. If any are found, they must make a report of them.

Every effort is made to return lost items to their rightful owners; however, it is the owner’s responsibility to report and/or claim lost articles. If you suspect your item has been stolen, call us at 508-473-1113 or visit the station to file a stolen property report.